(coming soon)

CUDA R/C R/G Pages

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Cuda Main
Fuselage Assembly
Wing Assembly
Tail Assembly
Cuda Links

CUDA R/C Rocket Glider
Kit by Kevin McKiou




Kevin McKiou created the excellent Stingray all-composite S8E model for use at the FAI WSMC level. He later also created the Cuda R/C R/G, as an easier and much less expensive design using balsa skinned foam core wings and laser-cut balsa parts. He created a small company called VectorAero to sell them.

Unfortunately, Kevin shut down "VectorAero" several years back. Here is a link to an ARCHIVE of VectorAero on the Internet Archive.

The Cuda files and plans are presented with the following provision by designer Kevin McKiou:

"I have no problem making any of this stuff public. In fact, the more people have the information, the more likely it is to live on. I think the only caveat I would place on it is that if anybody uses any of the design information - even if they change it - they must make their work "open source" and available free to the public. This would be like a GNU open source software license. This would not prevent anyone from making kits, but if anyone uses Cuda designs as the basis for a kit of a new design, they must make their design and documentation available free to the public. The same with the airfoils."

Cuda Instruction Manual as PDF file.

KM7 Airfoil Coordinates.

Cuda Plans as GIF File

Cuda Plans as PDF File

Cuda Plans as HPGL File

Cuda Plans as a DXF File, Zipped

More to come later.




Kevin (left) flying his Stingray in S8E
at the 1996 WSMC in Slovenia


Kevin was on the US Team that took the
Team Silver Medal at the 1996 WSMC

CUDA Photos

From the oldVectorAero Website