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Jan 1, 2005 - Got a BoosterVision Mini Gearcam for Christmas. Feb 19, 2005 - Cuda R/C Rocket Glider Flights at Birmingham Rocket Boys Launch. Also some info on the Hi-Gain antenna holder-pointers. March 19, 2005 - Cuda R/C Rocket Glider and Sunguidance Flights at Birmingham Rocket Boys Launch. Click on the pic at left to go to a page with information, photos, and Quicktime movies. April & May 2005 - SkyDart 2X Flight at Birmingham Rocket Boys Launch and Orbital SkyDart Project flight at Southern Thunder 2005. Click on the pic at left go to a page with information, photos, and Quicktime movies. BoosterVision March 12, 2005 - Sunguidance Model at the SEARS "Space Day" Launch. See the Sunguidance R&D Project Page March 19, 2005 - Cuda R/C Rocket Glider and Sunguidance Flights at Birmingham Rocket Boys Launch. Click on the pic at left to go to a page with information, photos, and Quicktime movies. Cineroc Eleven Minute Movie (edited April, 2008) - Movie showing both ground-shot video and onboard video, Including all Five of the Sunguidance R&D Project Cineroc Film flights in 1988 (showing ground-based video, then onboard, flight by flight).
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