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Ground VideoPage

James Duffy's Video of the2008 WSMC - With director's commentary (onVimeo)


July 2002 - NARAM-44 - Big Bird Three R/C Rocket Glider, 72" span. Flown in F Dual Eggloft Duration. Cluster of two C6's and one E9, plus air-started E9 2 seconds into boost. Video by Chris Taylor.

Bonus: Video of Dan Miner's
R/C F Dual Eggloft Glider




Space Shuttle at NARAM-41 - TBA


Space Shuttle at 2002 WSMC - video shot by Ross Hironaka


Shuttle Boilerplate 1998 - Flight one of the day at the HARA Rocket City Blast Off. video by Greg Warren


Shuttle Boilerplate 1998 - Flight three of the day at the HARA Rocket City Blast Off. video by Greg Warren


PiggyBack Shuttle Orbiter - 1/60 scale Piggback orbiter on G12, Video by Greg Warren (1998)


PiggyBack Shuttle Orbiter - 1/60 scale Piggback orbiter on G12, Video by Chris Taylor at NARAM-45 (2002)

SunGuidance -


Eleven Minute Movie (edited April, 2008) - Movie showing both ground-shot video and onboard video, Including all Five of the Sunguidance R&D Project Cineroc Film flights in 1988 (showing ground-based video, then onboard, flight by flight).

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